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Blog: busware news
Description: Here we will inform you about new or upcoming devices.
Created by tostmann on Mon 01 of Sep, 2008 [21:42 UTC]
Last modified Thu 10 of Feb, 2011 [05:22 UTC] ![]() TuxRadio based Pulseaudio streamer
Just a litte experiment "mis-using" the TuxRadio hardware as Pulseaudio-based Audio streamer sink. In conjunction with mpd, which will basically also run directly on it, you may create a nice audio streaming system. Due to a 44100Hz samplerate of the audio chip within the TuxRadio mpd wont need to resample your music - leaving the load of the ARM9 cpu very low.
psgroove causing CUL shortage
We where wondering why we couldn't get any new processors for our USB sticks, now we know: The jailbreaking software "psgroove" has been released. Its based on Atmels 8bit USB processors, we also use on FUL/CUL/CUN. Therefore the "global shortage" is effecting our CUL availability. So please! PS3-kids, DO NOT buy and misuse our valuable CUL sticks!! Try one of our LUFA-boards instead.
Secure your guests IP traffic!
You might know the problem. A guest would like to connect to the internet within your office. Shall you allow or deny it? Potentially there is a big risk of giving foreigners access to your local LAN. Therefore "bitbridge" has been designed. It makes sure your guests traffic will be safely tunnelled to a destination outside your LAN before it is accessing the internet. So the guest and you are not effected by any harm. Your LAN and WAN connectivity is just used to tunnel guest data. But the guest won't be able to access any of your inhouse systems. Just plug in the network cables and the 6 volt power supply and feel safe. Read more
CSM goes ARM
The CC110x-Serial-Module CSM enables you to prepare 868MHz radio data and feed it to the host using ordinary serial ports.
Busware-USB-Interface: BUI as AVRISPmkII clone
The new Basic-USB-Interface: BUI module was developed in need of a affordable programmer for our busware gadgets CPM-BS, CSM or CUN. It features a 8-bit bidirectional low voltage translator down to 1.0 Volt. Busses as SPI, I2C and UART are available on the 2x5 100mil pinheader. The module can optionally power the target with 5V. This will make the creation of user-specific-adapters (JTAG, RS485, 1wire etc.) easy. i.e. LUFA project AVRISP runs on it, makes it a AVRISPmkII clone ... Proper covers are also available ;)
CPM driven by Luminary Micro Cortex-M3 kit
To speed up applications and minimize cost we have started evaluating Luminary Micros Stellaris processors in conjunction with CPM module.
Twitter messages scrolling on 6LoWPAN-enabled LED matrix display
This 6LoWPAN enabled gadget is displaying twitter or facebook feeds on a 7x50 LED matrix. Just power it up and enjoy ... Watch the 15 sec. clip here. BTW: The device will also act as 6LoWPAN-router as it is permanetly powered. This will help to distribute the WPAN for homeautomation.
CUL + Ethernet = CUN (CC1101 USB Network)
The CUL has got a big brother - called CUN with additional I/O capabilities as additional FLASH and RAM memories and: TCPIP This will allow you to access wireless airdata "worldwide" simply using the internet!
Prototyping a CUL21C
Have a look at our YouTube-movie about a CUL21 gets hand soldered while prototyping.
smallest USB programmer for AVR
We just started the BAP-project. Busware AVR Programmer. This is probably the smallest native USB programmer for AVR processors. The board is equipped with an AT90USB162 and bidirectional levelchangers for all of its PORTB I/Os available on the 10-pin 100mil connector. The module itself can be flashed via USB (dfu-programmer/FLIP). So its possible to implement any other interface (like JTAG) at a later stage. Forgot: a LED and switch for multipurpose is also available
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