Wed 19 of Feb, 2025 [09:10 UTC]
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Name Parent Description Visits Actions
BUSSER The bus connector 264153 List
CUL3 CC1101 USB Light module - version 3 97232 List
RXR Raspberry Pi Xtension Ring 92186 List
CPC CC110x based Pool Control 86202 List
4S0ETH 4 channel S0 to ethernet interface 83674 List
CPM CM/CPM - CC110x Module 81329 List
CUL The C1101-USB-Light dongle 65778 List
TuxRadio CSM meets ARM9 64681 List
TuxRail The embedded linux board for DIN-rail installations 64123 List
CPM applications 63465 List
CUNO CC1101 USB Network Onewire 63302 List
LHD LED Hutschienen Driver 61658 List
TUL TP-UART USB light 60532 List
BAP Busware AVR Programmer 60121 List
SCC stackable CC1101 transceiver board 59174 List
COC CC1101 - OneWire - Clock (RTC) extension board for Raspberry Pi 57637 List
EXP Raspberry EXPander/Prototyping board 56083 List
LUX 18bit brighness sensor with CC1101 radio and USB 53533 List
busware general 52546 List
CUL2 The re-designed CC1101 2 USB bridge with Atmel AVR 50730 List
CSM 868MHz RF-2-UART bridge with levelshifter 50422 List
CUN CC1101 USB Network 47601 List
ROT RTC, Onewire & TPUART extension for Raspberry Pi 42971 List
FUL Freebus to USB module 42597 List
PMF "Pimp My Funksteckdose" 42057 List

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